Joe's Garage

Frank Zappa( 法蘭克砸帕 ) Joe's Garage專輯

17.Watermelon In Easter Hay

Frank zappa (lead guitar, vocals)
Warren cucurullo (rhythm guitar, vocals)
Denny walley (slide guitar, vocals)
Ike willis (lead vocals)
Peter wolf (keyboards)
Arthur barrow (bass, vocals)
Ed mann (percussion)
Vinnie colaiuta (drums)

Central scrutinizer:
This is the central scrutinizer...joe has just worked himself
into an imaginary frenzy during the fade- out of his imaginary
song...he begins to feel depressed now. he knows the end is
near. he
Ealized at last that imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals
exist only in the imagination of the imaginer...and...
ultimately, who gives a fuck excuse give
Uck anyway? so he goes back to his ugly little room and quietly
dreams his last imaginary guitar solo...

(after the song ends)
This is the central you can see, music can get
you pretty fucked up...take a tip from joe, do like he did, hock
your imaginary guitar and get a good job...joe did, and he's a
Uy now, on the day shift at the utility muffin research kitchen,
arrogantly twisting the sterile canvas snoot of a fully-charged
icing anointment utensil. and every time a nice little muffin
On the belt, he poots forth...

And if this doesn't convince you that music causes big
trouble...then maybe i should turn off my plastic megaphone and
sing the last song on the album in my regular voice...